14.03.2019 11:16
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Automation is standard

Automation is standard

Weland Solutions is investing in fully automated solutions that speak the same language as robotic systems. Since five years ago then, we have increased supply of our customized solutions by 20 percent per year. What happens now is that those solutions are being standardized. We have been a long-time major supplier to Siemens, Atlas Copco, Rolls Royce, Jaguar / Landrover who work with fully automated robotic solutions and want to integrate vertical storage lifts into their complete solution. Automation as a business area is growing and naturally gets more focus for us.

“The market is moving towards standardized fully automated solutions, making setting focus on automation a natural step for us. Compact Dynamic is our first fully automated goods to man solution, which will respond to the demands of the industry and the rest of the world for efficiency and faster delivery times,” says Björn Karlsson at Weland Solutions.

The result of one year's intensive work at Weland Solutions' development department is here; a brand new fully automatic goods to man solution. The big difference with Compact Dynamic compared to our vertical storage lifts is that it goes from semi-automation to full automation. The goods to man solution means that the product comes to you instead of you going to a storage lift and getting the product. Robotic solutions deliver faster and smarter than a human by far.

The big gains are efficiency, picking speed and space saving. These benefit companies in, for example, e-commerce. This is a gigantic market with great potential. E-commerce is increasing in leaps and bounds, and consumer demands for faster deliveries are also increasing every day. This requires fully automated solutions, where Compact Dynamic fits right in. The unique advantages are that it is possible to adapt Compact Dynamic in height, width, and depth to best fit the customer's premises. The storage locations are also flexible. There is very high availability for all storage locations, which is unique for goods to man solutions. In the summer of 2019, the first delivery of Compact Dynamic will take place at Axelent in Hillerstorp. “Axelent offers security, speed and smart solutions for the industry. We are very pleased that Compact Dynamic will be implemented in the highest division in a large international company such as Axelent,” says Björn Karlsson.

Automation is standard

Ньюсмейкер: Industrial News Service — 52 публикации


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